
Pittsburgh Update

Pittsburgh Update publishes weekly summaries of recent developments in the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, The Episcopal Church, and the Anglican Communion that affect or could affect Pittsburgh Episcopalians. Emphasis is on reporting, not interpretation. This is a service of Progressive Episcopalians of Pittsburgh. This site is in no way affiliated with the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh or the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh.

A Pittsburgh Episcopal Voice          

A Service of Progressive Episcopalians of Pittsburgh         

Monday, September 28, 2009

News for Week Ending 9/28/2009

La Crescenta church faces eviction by L.A. diocese

According to Crescenta Valley Weekly, the Diocese of Los Angeles has demanded that the congregation of St. Luke’s Anglican Church, formerly St. Luke’s of the Mountains Episcopal Church, vacate its La Crescenta, California, church. The move comes after the California Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal from an appellate court decision that declared the parish property to be that of the diocese. (See Pittsburgh Update story here.) In a letter to the congregation, the diocese declared that the church should be vacated by noon on Friday, September 25, 2009.

Bennison denied dismissal of charges or new trial

According to Episcopal News Service, Bishop of Pennsylvania Charles E. Bennison was denied his request for dismissal of charges against him or a new trial September 24, 2009, by an ecclesiastical trial court. Bennison is charged with failing to report sexual abuse of a minor by his brother, John Bennison. (See Pittsburgh Update story here.) The bishop was tried and convicted in 2008 on charges of conduct unbecoming a member of the clergy. He is currently inhibited and facing deposition from the ordained ministry of The Episcopal Church. He had no immediate comment on his latest judicial setback.

S.C. resolutions announced

As promised by the Rt. Rev. Mark Lawrence, Bishop of South Carolina—see Pittsburgh Update story here—the Diocese of South Carolina has posted five resolutions to be offered at a special diocesan convention on October 24, 2009. Taken together, the resolutions represent a commitment to the Anglican covenant and a repudiation of The Episcopal Church, although the diocese is not actually proposing to withdraw from The Episcopal Church.

NW Pa. diocese not thinking about reunion

Episcopal News Service reported September 25, 2009, on the resolution to be offered at the annual convention of the Diocese of Pittsburgh requesting a study of the advisability of “reuniting” the diocese with the Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania. (See Pittsburgh Update story here.) A spokesperson for the Erie-based diocese, Vanessa Butler, told ENS that there is no plan to introduce a related resolution at that diocese’s annual convention November 6–7. Butler indicated that the diocese might be interested in joining with another Episcopal diocese, but that it was not interested in doing so “anytime soon.” Pittsburgh will vote on its resolution on October 17.