
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Week Ending 05/15/17

Canadian Bishops Block Consecration of Former AMiA Priest as Bishop

The Update recently reported on the election of the Rev. Jacob Worley as Bishop of the Diocese of Caledonia.  Worley is currently serving a parish in the diocese.  Worley was ordained in the Episcopal Church, but left the church in 2007 to form a new congregation which eventually affiliated with the Anglican Mission in America.  The Canadian Bishops blocked his consecration because he continues to believe it is permissible for a priest from one Anglican jurisdiction to create a ministry in the bounds of a different jurisdiction without permission of the bishop of that jurisdiction.  This is against Canadian canons. During the bishops' interview with Worley had confirmed his belief in border-crossing.  They then voted to withhold approval of his consecration.  The Diocese of Caledonia has had trouble electing a successor to the Rt. Rev. William Anderson who retired in December 2016.  Anderson had originally called for a synod meeting to be held October 14, 2016, but cancelled the synod because of a canonical objection.  Now selection will be delayed even further.

Former Presiding Bishop Adds Her Voice to Those Opposing Drilling in National Preserves

Former Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori has published an opinion piece in the Reno Gazette-Jounral urging the protection of wilderness areas from gas and oil drilling.  She spoke specifically about  the need to protect Alaskan caribou who roam the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.  Her piece  picks up many of the same concerns Bishop Carol Gallagher raised in her opinion piece in a Helena, Montana paper a few weeks ago. Are more statements forthcoming?

Diocese of Washington Showcases Its Work with Immigrants

The web site of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington has an article showcasing the efforts of a number of parishes to work with and welcome refugees including muslims.  The diocese thus joins a growing list of dioceses with active programs supporting immigrants and refugees.  Update has carried stories on Los Angeles' efforts. Episcopal News Service has carried stories on actions in  Seattle, San Diego, Minneapolis, and the amica brief filed by 14 Episcopal bishops which challenges the second Executive Order banning travel from 6 middle eastern countries  to the United States.

Episcopal Schools in the News Again

Two very different stories brought attention to Episcopal Schools this last week.  St. Andrew's School in Potomac, Maryland has announced that Baron Trump will be a student there in the fall.  Founded in 1978 the day school has an impressive record in in academic rankings and in diversity. It is about a 35 minute drive from the White House to the school.   Meanwhile in Rhode Island, Howard White, Jr., one of the men accused of sexually abusing students at St. George's School has pleaded guilty, and has reached a plea agreement with and 18 month sentence, thus avoiding a trial.  Update has carried previous stories on the St. George's cases. The most recent is here.

ACNA Task Force on Ordination of Women Recommends Further Discussion

A Task Force that was supposed to provide guidance on how ACNA could resolve the differences among its members over women's ordination has punted the ball.  The Task Force produced a more than 300 page report, that details the theological positions of all parties, voices a desire for unity, but can only recommend that discussions continue in  order to eventually find some route to unity.  It noted that both supporters and opponents are fervent in their beliefs, and outside of making a distinction between ordination as a priest and service as a bishop comes to no resolutions.  The Task Force did agree that women were barred from being bishops because bishops are supposed to be symbols of unity, and a woman bishop would be divisive. For those who want to read the whole report, it can be found here.