
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Week Ending 07/18/22

Interviews with the New President and Vice President of the House of Deputies

The election of new officers for the House of Deputies resulted in several firsts.  It is the first time that both President and Vice President of the House would be women of color. It is the first time that both offices are occupied simultaneously by women.  It also was the first time that an ordained woman would serve as Vice President.  For those of you interested in learning more about the two women who will lead the House through the next General Convention, There is a You-Tube interview here, and a print interview with the new President Julia Ayala Harris here

Next Up the Deferred Lambeth Conference

The Bishops who attended General Convention, have barely got a chance to breathe before heading to England for the long-delayed Lambeth Conference of Bishops.  After some controversy, the same-sex spouses of several bishops will be allowed to attend worship and meals, but not the other events planned for spouses.  In order to try to make clear that Lambeth does not legislate, there are no resolutions planned for the Conference, but there are "Calls" that the bishops will discuss and vote on.  Buried in the "Call" on Human Dignity is a series of affirmations that deny same-sex marriage and recommit to statements made at the 1998 Lambeth  Meeting that the more inclusive parts of the Anglican Communion opposed then and have grown further away from in the 24 years since then. For an article on the upcoming Lambeth meeting see The Living Church here. Many of the other Calls deal with subjects of interest to progressives, including climate change, human trafficking, sexism and racism.

Continuing Stories

Methodist Split Goes to Court

Hopes for a more civil disengagement between "traditionalists" and more inclusive Methodist parishes in the United Methodist Church have been badly damaged by a law suit filed in Florida by 106 Methodist congregations that are challenging the terms of the withdrawal agreement that allowed them to keep their property but required them to meet certain financial obligations, including pension obligations, and assessments.  The churches claim that their property is being held hostage. Religion News has the story. Update has reported on the slow break up of the United Methodists a number of times, most recently here.